Commercial Forests

The map below shows the commercial forests in South Africa*.

*A South African, Lesotho and Swaziland forestry genera map was received from the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The forests in the Northern Cape and North-West provinces of South Africa were removed from the map. In South Africa there are no commercial plantations in the Northern Cape and North-West provinces thus these were excluded. Only the Acacia, Pine and Eucalyptus map locations in South Africa were analysed as these were the species that were cultivated for afforestation in the country. The other species, specified as other/mixed were also removed from the map and a South African Commercial Plantations Genera map was drawn.

De Lange, B. 2013. “Eskom Internal Report RES/RR/12/35052: Commercial Forests in South Africa.” Eskom.