The map below shows the potential in maize yield estimates across South Africa*.
*This dataset contains Maize, Zea mays L. in South Africa and is the country’s most important field and grain crop. Objectives of the study was to simulate maize yields, and their inter-annual, at a spatial resolution of Quaternary Catchments for 12 different combinations of three plant dates, viz. 15 October, 15 November and 15 December. This was done to evaluate which hybrid lengths and plant dates give the highest yields irrespective of plant dates and hybrid lengths respectively and also which hybrid lengths and plant dates give the lowest coefficients of variation (%) irrespective of plant dates and hybrid lengths respectively.
Source: Schulze, R.E, and Walker, N.J. 2007. “Maize Yield Estimation.” In: South African Atlas of Climatology and Agrohydrology. Vol. 1489/1/06. Water Research Commission.