Local Government Climate Change Support Program
Welcome to the Local Government Climate Change Support ProgramLocal Government Climate Change Support Program
Welcome to the Local Government Climate Change Support Program website.Welcome to the Local Government Climate Change Support Program website. The purpose of this website is to provide stakeholders with information and tools to respond to climate change at a local level in South Africa. The website has been developed through the Local Government Climate Change Support Program (LGCCSP), an initiative of the Department of Environmental Affairs and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. A number of tools have been developed through the LGCCSP to assist stakeholders to respond to climate change.
The Lets Respond Toolkit provides stakeholders with an introduction and overview on how to integrate climate change into municipal planning processes.
Lets Respond Toolkit
Provides stakeholders with an introduction and overview on how to integrate climate change into municipal planning processes.
Response Plan Templates
Can be used as a starting point to develop a municipal climate change response plan.
Vulnerability Assessment
Provides stakeholders with a step by step process for conducting a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment.
Participating Municipalities
Climate change related resources and information on each of the participating municipalities.
Stakeholder Engagement
Outlines a set of steps for engaging stakeholders in the climate change planning process.
Other Resources
Climate change related maps, municipal census data relevant to climate change and project management information.
Municipal Climate Change Response Plans
Climate change plans have developed for each of the participating municipalities and can be downloaded here.
District Municipality Priority Indicators
The LGCCSP has identified priority climate change indicators for District Municipalities across the country. Use the map below to see which municipalities have highlighted specific climate change indicators as priorities for their area.
Please rotate your device to landscape mode when interacting with the map below.
Program Objectives
The Local Government Climate Change Support (LGCCSP) program aims to assist district and local governments better respond to climate change. The objectives of the LGCCSP therefore are to help municipal officials identify and respond to specific climate change risks and opportunities that are relevant at the local level. This will be done by building on existing climate change capacity building programs and interventions being implemented by the Department of Environment Affairs (DEA) and the South African Local Government Association (SALGA). The LGCCSP will however move beyond capacity building to the development of municipal climate change response plans that can ultimately be integrated into IDPs.
The three primary objectives of the LGGCSP are to:
- Assess the municipal landscape that provides the basis for responses.
- Undertake district municipal specific engagements.
- Facilitate capacity building and knowledge-transfer throughout the process so as to enhance implementation of the prioritised adaptation options.
For more information please contact us.
Objective 1
The first objective, the Assessment of the Municipal Landscape, will include engaging municipalities to understand the status of relevant structures, capacity, and general climate change status quo in order to begin developing response plans. A key component of this initial assessment is an understanding of who the relevant stakeholders are and what the status of climate change champions are.
Objective 2
The second broad objective, to Undertake District Municipal Engagements, is the core component of the program. This will require an initial round of engagements with municipalities to determine their climate change vulnerabilities. This will be done through existing tools developed by the DEA and will see municipal level Vulnerability Assessments taking place.
Once the draft vulnerability assessments are in place, the LGCCS will then aim to assess the status of sector plans within municipalities that have potential climate change implications. These sector specific inputs will help in developing the draft climate change response plans. Once draft climate change plans are in place, the LGCCS will then aim to assist municipal officials in integrating climate change into their IDPs.
Objective 3
The third broad objective, to Facilitate Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer, will run throughout the program. This is a core component of the LGGCSP design as municipal officials need to take ownership of their climate change plans in order to ensure long term implementation. In order for this to take place, the necessary skills and capacity need to be in place. A key objective of the LGCCSP therefore is to ensure there is adequate capacity building at the Local and District Municipal level to drive climate change response.