Stakeholder Engagement Tool
Tools and guidelines are provided below on how to ensure effective stakeholder consultation and input is achieved when developing climate change response plans.
Why do I need stakeholder input?
The need for government to consult with the public is enshrined in the Constitution as well is in the Batho Pele principles for Government. Section 152 of the constitution states:
“The objects of local government are [..] to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the matters of local government.”
Stakeholder consultation is also important because it can result in more robust policies and programs by ensuring :
- Better alignment with other policies, programs and projects
- Broader buy-in when stakeholder are involved developing plan
- New ideas and new voices increase the scope of the plan
How do I conduct stakeholder engagements?
The presentation below provides a summary of process for ensuring effective stakeholder consultation in developing a Climate Change Response Plan.