Dr Kenneth Kaunda

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Draft Climate Change Plan

The table below provides a list of drafted climate change plan documents that are available for download for the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality.
File Name
Size (MB)
Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality CC Presentation201612,980Power Point<a href="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XcmNUVelEJF1Jh2Lrz2_PzrdEzFaQOflO3iI6ITAB48/export/pptx&quot; target="_blank">Download</a>
Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality CC Response Plan20161,686WORD<a href="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B8W6Tw5QBaPDVDRrTWpyc185dms&resourcekey=0-GR7fva75PnCCbUqYSap5-w&rtpof=true&sd=true&quot; target="_blank">Download</a>

Key Climate Hazards

Increasing temperatures

The figure below shows projected changes in annual average temperatures, highlighting increasing temperatures throughout the district for the period 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario. By 2050, the district is projected to be affected by higher annual average temperatures, which will adversely affect water and food security.  Evaporation rates will also likely increase and agricultural outputs may reduce.

Figure: Projected changes in annual average temperatures throughout Dr Kenneth Kaunda over the period 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario (CSIR 2019)

Increasing rainfall variability

The figure below shows projected shifts in annual average rainfall throughout the district between 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario. Annual average rainfall amounts vary across the district. There is uncertainty regarding projected future rainfall.

Figure: Projected changes in annual average rainfall throughout Dr Kenneth Kaunda over the period 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario (CSIR 2019)

Increasing storms and flooding events

The figure below shows projected changes in the annual average number of extreme rainfall days throughout the district over the period 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario.  Increases in the number of rainfall days are likely to result in an increase in intense storms, and flooding events across the district.

Figure: Projected changes in the annual average number of extreme rainfall days throughout Dr Kenneth Kaunda over the period 2021-2050 under the RCP 8.5 scenario (CSIR 2019)

Changing Biomes

The current delineation of biomes is depicted in the figure below, with the predicted shift in biomes shown in the following figure based on a high-risk scenario. The biomes have varying sensitivities to the projected impacts of climate change which are further exacerbated by issues such as the fragmentation of natural areas and unsustainable water usage rates.

Figure: The current delineation of biomes in Dr Kenneth Kaunda (SANParks 2011a)
Figure: The predicted shift in biomes in Dr Kenneth Kaunda using a high-risk scenario (SANParks 2011b)

Climate Change Vulnerability

A climate change vulnerability assessment is a way of identifying and prioritising impacts from climate change. The IPCC defines vulnerability as:

"Vulnerability to climate change is the degree to which geophysical, biological and socio-economic systems are susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse impacts of climate change" 

Summary of Climate Change Response Plan

A vulnerability assessment lets you identify these adverse impacts of climate change that are most important to your area. The climate change vulnerability assessment process that is used in this toolkit identified the following indicators in the table below.

Indicator Title
Exposure Comment
Sensitivity Comment
Adaptive Capacity
Adaptive Capacity Comment
Biodiversity and EnvironmentLoss of High Priority BiomesYesGrasslandsHighHigh potential loss of GrasslandsLowNo programs and policies in place to deal with bush encroachment except in Matlosana LM, where there is an existing bush encroachment program
Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Disaster ManagementIncreased impacts on traditional and informal dwellingsYesHigh ExposureHighMany dwellingsLowSome programme to deal with dwellings, but not well resourced and fully operational
WaterDecreased water quality in ecosystem due to floods and droughtsYesSome rivers have dried up already, such as schoonspruit rivers in Klerksdorp. Some rivers in Ventersdorp have been dry for yearsHighGreendrop score is medium for the DM, but there is a range with the Local MunicipalitiesLowNeed to conduct more water and climate change related awareness campaigns
WaterLess water available for irrigation and drinkingYesNo rain, and drought already impacting on water availabilityHighFor both irrigation (now) and drinking (in future)LowWater restrictions in place already. There should be more awareness in terms of water usage

The CSIR Greenbook has also developed and refined a vulnerability assessment framework by collating relevant data into composite vulnerability indicators. Four local municipality level vulnerability indices were computed and are shown spatially below.

Socio-Economic Vulnerability

Social inequalities are the factors that affect the susceptibility and coping mechanisms of communities and households. Indicators for social vulnerability attempt to consider the sensitivity, response and recovery from the impacts of natural hazards. The CSIR Green Book has developed a socio-economic vulnerability index that is measured on a scale from 1 (low vulnerability) to 10 (high vulnerability).   The map below shows the Socio-Economic vulnerability score of each municipality in the district visually.

Figure: Socio-economic vulnerability per local municipality in Dr Kenneth Kaunda (Le Roux, van Huyssteen, et al. 2019)

Environmental Vulnerability

Environmental vulnerability describes the vulnerability and risk to the natural environment and the impacts on the ecological infrastructure of which surrounding settlements are dependent. The environmental risk of an area includes ecosystems, habitats, physical and biological processes (reproduction, diversity, energy flows, etc). The CSIR Green Book has developed an Environmental Vulnerability Index that is measured on a scale from 1 (low vulnerability) to 10 (high vulnerability). The map below shows the environmental vulnerability score of each municipality in the district visually.

Figure: Environmental vulnerability per local municipality in Dr Kenneth Kaunda (Le Roux, van Huyssteen, et al. 2019)

Physical Vulnerability

Physical vulnerability describes the physical fabric and connectedness of settlements (buildings and infrastructure) and focuses mainly on the conditions that exist before a hazard occurs and the expected level of resulting loss. The CSIR Green Book has developed a physical vulnerability index that is measured on a scale from 1 (low vulnerability) to 10 (high vulnerability). The map below shows the physical vulnerability score of each municipality in the district visually.

Figure: Physical vulnerability per local municipality in Dr Kenneth Kaunda (Le Roux, van Huyssteen, et al. 2019)

Economic Vulnerability

Economic vulnerability describes the potential risks posed by hazards on economic assets and processes. Potential hazards can include job losses, increased poverty and interruptions in business activities. The CSIR Green Book has developed an economic vulnerability index that is measured on a scale from 1 (low vulnerability) to 10 (high vulnerability). The map below shows the economic vulnerability score of each municipality in the district visually.

Figure: Economic vulnerability per local municipality in Dr Kenneth Kaunda (Le Roux, van Huyssteen, et al. 2019)
